Australia for the first time? Fun facts and tips!


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Are you going to Australia for the first time soon? Then this is a useful blog for you. You probably already know many things about Australia. That Australia’s iconic wildlife includes Kangaroos and Koalas and that the Opera House and Harbour Bridge can be found in Sydney. But did you also know, for example, that Australia is one of the best countries in the world for a delicious cup of coffee? And that you won’t spot scary animals in every cornor. In this blog, I share fun facts about Australia that you may not have known.

Good public transport in Sydney

Did you know public transport in Sydney is one of the world’s best? Whether you take the train, tram, metro, bus or ferry, in Sydney you pay easily with your credit card (or with the rechargeable prepaid Opal card). When you’re in Sydney you can easily travel from one place to another in the city. This year, the new (unmanned) metro line opened from Sydenham to Chatswood, allowing you to travel even faster in Sydney. In fact, a metro leaves every five minutes on weekdays, running until late at night(until 1.30am on weekends). The nice thing about travelling by public transport in Sydney is that it is also relatively cheap. In fact, there is a maximum limit of $50 per week. All extra rides after that, on any public transport, are free.

Free water with dinner

Did you know you can get free water at many restaurants in Australia. If you have found a nice restaurant, you can expect a jug of water to be placed on your table for free upon arrival. So you don’t have to pay for spa blue like you are used to in other countries. It also happens (we experienced in Darwin) while going out, you even get free soft drinks in pubs or nightclubs. With this, they encourage you to drink water or soft drinks instead of alcohol.

Public toilets everywhere

One of the most notable things is that you have public toilets everywhere. For example, if you go into nature and take a nice walk in a national park, you can expect to find a public toilet at the entrance or at the end of the footpath. But there are also public toilets in city parks, railway stations, shopping centres and sometimes even in residential areas that you can use for free. Very convenient, isn’t it?

Not scary animals everywhere

What many websites and news channels try to make you believe is not true: you don’t see scary animals everywhere. We have lived in Australia for more than five years now and have seen very few dangerous spiders or snakes. Of course they are there and if you go for a walk through nature, there is always a chance of spotting them. But don’t worry, many animals are afraid of humans, you won’t come face to face with poisonous snakes or spiders every day. Isn’t that reassuring 😉

Strong sun intensity

The sun shines a lot in Australia and sun strength is strong, especially in summer. So don’t forget to sunscreen and always carry a cap, or hat, sunglasses and water. Even in winter, it can still be so hot that you get sunburned, so take care. If you travel through areas with a tropical climate, it is even more sensible to sunscreen well. You can burned within as little as 10 minutes.

Very good coffee

Did you know Australia is one of the best countries in the world for a really good cup of coffee. Drinking coffee is something Australians love to do. Before going to work, they walk past a coffee shop and then arrive at work with a takeaway coffee, or they drink their cup at one of the many coffee shops together with colleagues before going to work. As such, Australians are really proud of their coffee culture. And I have to be honest, the coffee here is really good. I have never been disappointed after ordering a cup of coffee.


If you are in Australia for the first time, you will quickly notice that Australians are friendly people who are also happy to chat or help you when you are having trouble, for instance. They are less direct people if you compare them to the Dutch, for example.

Australians are also live less on time; arriving a little later at a party should not surprise you. Meetings are therefore quickly convivial and not too forced, which I think is typically Australian. At parties, it is also a tradition for everyone to bring something(their own drinks and a bite to eat), without having to coordinate this too much in advance. Really laid-back. No worries mate! Are you going to Australia for the first time, just let go the rushing and time management a bit and experience the ultimate Australian lifestyle.

Plan your Australia trip now

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Picture of Jesper
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